Monday, 10 December 2012

Lesson today

Hello all
Sorry not to be with you today.
Lesson aim: understand and explain how context contributes to interpretations
Where are your question titles? Thanks MJ for yours... Santa will be kind to you. Please post them on the blog this lesson.
They should use a statement from your anthology, which you can re-work a little. Look back at the questions based around Marx for some clues...
This lesson: research the context of the poem and write a paragraph explaining it. Post this on the blog this lesson so I can see how much you've achieved. If you do not do this, you will get a C3. May seem a bit brutal, but I have no evidence that you did the task I told you to do last lesson...
Tips: look at ‘O my America’, Mohamed’s paradise, religion, Atlanta’s balls and imputed grace.
How does the understanding the context contribute to meaning in the poem?
This should then (by 2pm):
  • ·         Be precise and clear in your point.
  • ·         Include a quotation to analyse
  • ·         Have a developed link to context
  • ·         Link to feminist interpretation
My absence then has put us behind schedule a little, but please don't worry about it. We'll re-group on Thursday so that a clear vision is planned for next couple of weeks.
      If you find yourself at a loose-end, start to read Jane Eyre.
Best wishes,

Thursday, 6 December 2012

Question Title

Hi Y13
Again, sorry about earlier.
To add to my calamitous day, my battery charger isn't working and my laptop is about to fail...
Question titles.
The stems should be 
To explore the validity of ....
Examine the statement....
How valid is the statement ....
Use your essays (the titles for these are too simplistic) and the anthologies. 
Re-work statements from the anthology if you need to or select ones. It takes some concentration....
Ms :/