Thursday, 6 December 2012

Question Title

Hi Y13
Again, sorry about earlier.
To add to my calamitous day, my battery charger isn't working and my laptop is about to fail...
Question titles.
The stems should be 
To explore the validity of ....
Examine the statement....
How valid is the statement ....
Use your essays (the titles for these are too simplistic) and the anthologies. 
Re-work statements from the anthology if you need to or select ones. It takes some concentration....
Ms :/


  1. To what extent do you agree that John Donne presents the woman as inferior and subservient, or do you agree that he presents the woman as equal to the man?

  2. To what extent does John Donne empower the women in his poem or does he just belittle and undermine the female form?

  3. "The woman in the poem To His Mistress Going To Bed is passive and weak" To what extent do you agree with this statement? - Sorry I hadn't posted this earlier, I had it ready for today's lesson. - Molly Cooper.

  4. Examine the statement in regards to John Donne's 'To his mistress going to bed' that,'In literature male characters are denigrative, exploitative and repressive in their relations with women.

  5. To what extend can the portral of woman within John Donne's "To his mistress going to bed" be compared to the portrayal of woman in todays society.

  6. Thanks Kitty and whoever else that is...!

  7. How valid is the statement that within the poem 'To his Mistress' the woman is represented as a stereotypical image? - Navina Bhamra

  8. To what extent do you agree that in the poem 'To His Mistress Going to Bed' Donne illustrates a male dominated world where women are considered to be unsuspecting and naive? - Mary McLaughlin

  9. In the poem 'To His Mistress going to Bed', to what extent do you agree with the statement 'the woman as cute but essentially helpless.'

  10. To what extent do you agree that in 'To his mistress going to bed' Donne presents the woman as an "immoral and dangerous seductress" and an "unwordly self-sacrificing angel"?

  11. In ' To his Mistress Going to Bed' to what extent do you agree that John Donne supports 'the mechanisms of patriarchy',or do you agree that the promotes equality between men and women?

  12. Lotte van den Berg10 December 2012 at 11:53

    How far do you agree that the character of the woman in 'To His Mistress...' is merely a 'construction' not by Donne but by the culture he belonged to?

  13. To what extent does John Donne in, “His mistress going to bed” portray women as exploited and controlled in a patriarchal society?

    - Sorry it's late!

  14. As it says above, the stems should be:
    To explore the validity of ....
    Examine the statement....
    How valid is the statement ....
